Business Network Release 2022-03
We’re continuously developing our products and services. Here are some highlights from this months’ development.
New report type: SLA time
Reporting has a new possibility for creating an SLA Time Report for all Invoice Receiving and Purchase-to-Pay messaging customers. The new report allows you to calculate and analyze transaction processing times, which you can monitor at a monthly or an annual level. The report is especially helpful when you need to point out delivery time issues.
New report type: P2P-messaging
Reporting has a new possibility for creating a P2P-messaging Report. The new report calculates transaction volumes for Purchase-to-Pay messaging and it covers all supported supply chain document types, such as catalogs, orders, order responses, despatch advices and invoices.
Track & Trace
Status of emails that fail validation changed to REJECTED
If the validation of received email invoices (either the email or the attachment) fails, a rejection email is returned to the sender is with an error code BN-EML105xx. In Track & Trace, however, these transactions were earlier shown with the status ERROR, although the service actually works as expected.
To separate the rejections from actual errors, the status of the BN-EML105xx rejections has been changed to REJECTED.

Invoice Automation
Setting payment to hold in invoice rules
In Invoice Automation, you can now use a new action type to set payments on hold based on rules. For example, if you need to temporarily prohibit payments to a supplier due to unclarities, you can have all the invoices received from the supplier automatically flagged before they move to ledger.

Improvements in reclamation emails
You can now set a contact email address for each supplier to be used as the default for reclamation emails. For example, in the supplier master data, the admin sets Contact email to invoicing@company.com. On an invoice from that supplier, a user creates a reclamation email and sees invoicing@company.com as the recipient address, but can change it if needed.
In addition, when creating the reclamation email, it is now possible to add the original invoice image as an attachment to the reclamation email.

Setting a dimension mandatory by any value
Dimension dependencies now have an option to set a dimension mandatory so that it must have a value, but it can be any of its available values. Earlier, if you wanted to set mandatory values, you had to define them one by one.
For example, you can define that if the cost center has a value, it is mandatory to also add an approver (from among all your defined approvers).

Likewise, it’s possible to define that the dimension must not have any values.

Want more details?
For more detailed information, please refer to the release notes sent directly to the administrators of our products and services.