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Paul Sharp

Paul Sharp I've worked as a maintenance engineer and software consultant to asset-intensive industries for 35+ years.  I bring real-world experience in maintenance best practice, MRO procurement and the challenge of increasing asset effectiveness while achieving efficient procurement.  I'll be happy to speak with you at any time to discuss your current challenges, vision and experiences in this critical area. The content of this page may not show correctly if you’ve denied cookies (bottom left corner). You can also contact us at

Robert Saenger

Robert Saenger Robert has been working in the Source-to-Pay field for over 20 years and joined OpusCapita from SynerTrade SES AG. He cares deeply about creating great products that are not only aligned with the corporate strategy but are designed to create superior experiences for customers creating added value to their business processes and helping them to digitalize their global trade. The content of this page may not show correctly if you’ve denied cookies (bottom left corner). You can also contact us at