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AP automation that your team will love

Modern AP automation enables automating your invoice processing also for complex cases in an easy-to-use, manageable, and visual way.

Versatile & visual AP automation

Automate over 95% of your invoice processing

Typically, companies still process less than 20% of purchase invoices automatically. One of the reasons is that the complexity or business rules can’t be handled in existing AP automation solutions. A next-generation solution enables automating most of that work – and you can even set it up yourself. Add artificial intelligence, your AP process efficiency will sky-rise!

Endless automation possibilities

Or dig into our AP automation capabilities below.

Introducing our
3rd generation
AP automation solution

Modern technology

HTML5-based cloud solution with accessibility & scalability.


Praised visual approval workflow management by our users!

Artificial intelligence

Integration to Snowfox artificial intelligence for further automation boost.

Say goodbye to the time-consuming manual work

Use any piece of invoice data

Maximize the use of AP automation even in complex cases. Our versatile solution allows you to set up any business rule or needed automation. We can do it for you, but in our visual solution, you can also set it up yourself. Let us show you how!

Invoice Receiving

Get all your purchase invoices (e-invoices, PDF and paper) automatically into the same workflow.

Visual workflow management

Define workflow steps visually and see changes immediately.

Versatile matching

Automatically match your invoices to purchase orders, contracts, or more, both on header and line-level.

Touchless automation

Refine the invoice data as needed. For example, have contract numbers in an inaccurate field moved to the correct one.

Automated postings

Have your default postings set automatically, including VAT, cost center, or any other available piece of data.


Empower the data on your invoices

Book an AP automation demo

See OpusCapita Invoice Automation in action! Submit the form and we’ll be in touch straight away.

What about the paper invoices? Non-PO invoices? Missing data?

OpusCapita Invoice Automation, coupled with OpusCapita Invoice Receiving and artificial intelligence, can do it all. You can find more information about Invoice Automation, including automation and matching examples, product videos, and illustrations on our website.

If you have any questions, the OpusCapita team is always here for you!